Interview with Michel Loris-Melikoff

Michel Loris-Melikoff, CEO of the Kongresshaus Zürich, and Nicolai Squarra from JED Events talk about trends, challenges and the future of the Zurich event industry.

Zurich is one of the most exciting event locations in Europe - and yet the market here is also facing major challenges. In an exclusive interview, Michel Loris-Melikoff, CEO of Kongresshaus Zürich, talks to Nicolai Squarra, founder and CEO of JED Events, about the future of the event industry in Zurich. Together, they analyze trends, highlight potential and discuss whether the market is already reaching its limits or still offers room for innovation. Loris-Melikoff provides exciting insights into the challenges of his new role and shows how competition not only divides, but also strengthens. A conversation that not only inspires industry professionals, but also provides important impetus for the further development of the Zurich events market.



Michel, you have already done pioneering work on projects as diverse as the Street Parade and Baselworld. Now you're at the helm of the Kongresshaus Zurich - a traditional venue with modern aspirations. What attracted you to this task and what was your first thought when you took on the job?

I started my professional career, and my event career in particular, in Zurich. Since then, I've worked in Basel and Lausanne, but my heart has remained in Zurich. For 15 years, those around me have known that there were two venues in Zurich that I wanted to manage, one of which is the Kongresshaus. After a year, I am still just as fascinated, not only because of the building and the location, but above all because of the team. It is also fascinating that this traditional building can host not only congresses, but also other socially, culturally and economically relevant events for Zurich.


The Kongresshaus is practically a heavyweight among Zurich's venues, with a long history and a lot of prestige. What would you say: how difficult is it to maintain the balance between tradition and the need for innovation?

That's exactly the appeal of our job. How do I bring innovation and tradition under one roof. Sometimes you have to be patient, have bite and do a lot of persuading. Sometimes you have to accept that not everything works the first time. This is mainly due to the fact that many parties (customer, Tonhalle, city, monument protection, etc.) have a say and the most diverse needs / requirements have to be reconciled.


JED Events and the Kongresshaus sometimes serve different segments, but we also clash from time to time. What do you think makes us mutually stronger in the market - and where do you say: "Dear colleague, you're really annoying!"?

You're not annoying at all! I've always had a friendly relationship with my colleagues because we share the same passion. Of course we are competitors in certain segments, c'est la vie ....and in other situations we can support each other. That's when we become stronger. In the past, I could often count on the support of my colleagues, just as they could rely on me when they were short of chairs or tables.


The last few years have demanded a lot from all of us. What do you think: have we now reached market saturation in Zurich or do you still see real potential for new location projects?

If I were a real estate promoter, I would still want to see a lot of potential. After 15 years in venue management, I see things a little more differently. If it were really the case that all venues in Zurich have a very high occupancy rate and we regularly lose events to our competitors in other cities because of this high occupancy rate, then we would need new halls. Too often in Switzerland in recent years, halls or infrastructures have been built or renovated with overly optimistic market forecasts.


Congress center, JED, Hall 622, smaller special venues - Zurich is already super diverse. What do you think is still missing? Are there perhaps formats or niches that we as an industry should focus on more strongly?

In my opinion, nothing is missing in Zurich at the moment. Looking ahead, however, Zurich needs to examine whether there is a need for a multifunctional hall for congresses and concerts with a capacity of around 3,000 to 4,000 guests and whether it can be operated profitably in a central location.


We have both experienced how the event world has changed as a result of the pandemic. What do you think has changed permanently in the market and what do providers like us have to adapt to in the long term?

The pandemic has had a lot of positive effects: People are once again increasingly aware of how important it is to meet up live and exchange ideas. We need to offer the right formats. In Zurich, we are generally very spoiled as we have a high density of great events. Fortunately, this forces us to remain creative/innovative and to keep testing new formats/offers. After the pandemic, however, we also had to realize negatively that everything is becoming more and more non-binding and short-term, which requires much greater flexibility.


Be honest: if you get an event tomorrow that would be a perfect fit for us, do you send it over or do you think to yourself: "Oh, we'll manage to fit it in here somehow"?

The focus here is not on your or my state of mind, but on the customer's needs. If they visit me because they feel that the Kongresshaus meets their needs, then I'll give them what they're looking for. If he complains that the Kongresshaus lacks the industrial chic of a former print shop, then I'll send him to you.


I always say: healthy competition stimulates business. What do you say? Where do you see the fine line between "healthy competition" and "uncomfortably tight elbows" in the Zurich market?

Clearly healthy competition is necessary and good. The best way for me to answer this is with an example:  I find competition indecent if, as a guest at an event in our Kongresshaus, you poach my customer from my premises - right under my nose. If you merely draw their attention to the advantages of your venue, then that's still OK. The customer is free to decide. The boundary is very fine indeed.


The Kongresshaus and JED Events have one thing in common: there is a special history behind both locations that strongly shapes the character of the spaces - in our case the former NZZ printing works, in your case the historical connection to the Tonhalle and the impressive renovation. How important do you think it is to convey these stories to the outside world, and how do you do this in the Kongresshaus to strengthen your brand?

The factors mentioned are certainly part of our identities. However, they are not the sole deciding factor when it comes to signing a contract. In my opinion, other factors are more important, such as the quality and scope of the services/offers as well as the price.


Hybrid events are still a big topic. How do you see the future? Are they the new norm, or is there nothing like the good old handshake and live contact?

In my opinion, hybrid events were over-hyped after the pandemic. Today, we tend to find that the good old handshake and live contact are more important.
Sustainability is a big buzzword that affects us all.


Where do you see Zurich as an event location in terms of sustainability? And let's be honest: how difficult is it really to stay "green" with large projects?

It's utopian to believe that large projects will be 100% green or CO2-neutral. Nevertheless, we must do everything we can to continue to promote the sustainability of venues. A lot has already been done here in many venues in recent years and there is certainly a lot more that can be done. Surprisingly, we have noticed that only very few customers specifically ask us about this or demand proof of sustainable operation / work.


As an event provider in Zurich, we are forced to remain creative and flexible at all times. Do you see joint projects or collaborations as a solution to serve the market even better - or are we too much lone wolves here?

If cooperation makes sense, then we need to discuss it.


What do you actually do to switch off from the hustle and bustle of events? Or are you one of those people who are already planning the next hall occupancy while hiking?

I don't hike that often.....I can switch off best from km 40 onwards when biking.


If you and I were to open a location together, what would be your craziest wish for the equipment - and what would you definitely not allow me to do?

The location would either have to have a roof that can be opened like modern football stadiums and/or include a water area (indoor). I would not allow you to suggest a listed building as a venue.


We both know that the event market is sometimes highly competitive. Where do you currently see the greatest opportunities for venues like the Kongresshaus and JED Events to remain relevant in the long term? And where are the stumbling blocks?

Clearly in the range and quality of services. Customers want services from a single source wherever possible. Every additional agency or service provider costs money. The flexibility of the teams for the customer is also very important in this context. One stumbling block for us is to engage in price dumping in order to win or retain a customer. We all - customers and players in our market - must be aware that exceptional services have their price.


A little provocative question: Do you think that event locations in Zurich should actually cooperate more with each other? Or is competition the salt in the soup that makes us all better?

Of course we should work more closely together. Even if we are competitors, we have common interests. Together we are stronger.


If we had to organize an event for the event industry together - let's say a congress for 'The Future of Event Locations' - what do you think would be the three most important topics we should focus on?

Safety, sustainability and innovation.


In conclusion: If you could choose a dream audience for the Kongresshaus - be it a global event, a specific industry or a unique format - what would you want? And why?

I'm not going to reveal anything here as I'm working with 2 organizers to make a wish come true. If this wish becomes reality, I will let you know here.

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